Best science fiction movies

Best scientific movies

I admire movies and cannot live without them. Some movies taught me important principles in my life, some created memories that will never get erased and some made me laugh so hard till I cried; that is why I love movies. However, there are several movies that I watched, but I do not remember their story at all. For a movie to affect me and stay in my memory, it should include three important factors: good actors, a good director and an attractive story.

Sci-fi or science fiction movie is a type of movie that feature a science based plot, which usually include futuristic elements such as robot, space, etc. Furthermore, science fiction sometime talks about other issues like political, social, and philosophical. According to Vivian Sobchack, an American cinema and media theorist and cultural critic said that “Science fiction film is a film genre which emphasizes actual, extrapolative, or speculative science and the empirical method, interacting in a social context with the lesser emphasized, but still present, transcendentalism of magic and religion, in an attempt to reconcile man with the unknown”. Sci-fi movie has been around since the beginning of the 20th century.

Best 12 Science fiction movies with download links

1. Interstellar

An ex-pilot who leaves his family and Earth behind to discover what sort of future mankind has among the stars and visuals of blackhole were amazing.

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2. Dream Big: Engineering Our World:

Jeff Bridges narrates this intriguing documentary that looks into some of the most amazing engineering achievements across the world.

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3. Underwater Dreams:

Underwater Dreams is the story of how the sons of an undocumented Mexican immigrant workers use Home Depot parts to build an underwater robot and manage to defeat engineering powerhouse MIT, in the process.

You can watch this movie on prime,appletv etc.

4. Particle Fever:

Particle Fever follows six of the most genius scientists as they unravel the mysteries of the universe, track their scientific success and setbacks and make huge advances and inspiring scientific breakthroughs.

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5. Hidden Figures:

The untold story of 3 women at Nasa who were instrumental for launching John Glenn into orbit. This true story stars Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monae and Kevin Costner.

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6. The Man Who Knew Infinity:

The movie follows the true story of Indian genius, Srinivasa Ramanujan, who traveled to Cambridge and formed a lifelong bond with his eccentric teacher, while fighting for acknowledgements of his great achievements.

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7. A Brief History of Time:

A documentary following pioneering astrophysicist, Stephen Hawking, who is stricken with a motor neuron disease which has left him without a voice, yet he still manages to change the world.

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8. Wall-E

it is about a robot that is the only form of living life left on earth. The rest of humankind has been on a spaceship, as the earth became inhabitable. A robot then comes to save the earth, finding Wall-E in the process.

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9. Gattaca

In the future where every person is genetically modified before birth. There are still people who were created naturally, and therefore have a disadvantage in society. This movie is all about the main character Vincent who was born traditional and wants to make a difference in the world.

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10. The Social Dilemma

The Social Dilemma is a documentary on Netflix about social media and the impact it has on our brains and society.

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11. Flubber

Flubber is a 1997 film starring Robin Williams as a scientist that when experimenting accidentally develops a rubber substance that has its own will.

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12. Debris

Two agents from two different continents and two different mindsets, must work together to investigate when wreckage from a destroyed alien spacecraft has mysterious effects on humankindg.

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