HTML CSS Realtime project practice websites

HTML CSS Practice websites

You can learn programming languages on your own, but it won't be easy. Coding is a highly technical job that entails different algorithms and complex data structures. On the flip side, learning by yourself allows you to set the pace of your education.

Learn what you want. There is enough to learn for a lifetime, so don’t feel like you have to follow the hype. Frameworks and libraries come and go, fundamentals remain, so I suggest learn a programming detail with a tool, and focus on only one programing language and develope some handson experience.

Learning to code is always exciting and fun for everyone and when it comes to stepping into the programming world most of the people start with the easiest thing HTML and CSS. Every beginner’s coding journey in frontend starts with these two basic building blocks and you need to be creative when it comes to designing a beautiful application.

Initially, beginners enjoy making buttons, adding the links, adding images, working with layout and a lot of cool stuff in web designing but when it comes to making a project using only HTML and CSS they get stuck and confuse about what they should make to practice all these stuff. Afterall their knowledge is just limited to HTML and CSS. No matter what after learning everything at some point you will realize that making a project is important to practice HTML and CSS skills. You need to check how HTML and CSS work together to design a beautiful frontend application. So the question is what are some beginner-friendly projects you can build to practice everything you have learned,i would suggest some websites to practice.

Site name Link Description

Codementor Click here At Codementor, you’ll find top HTML/CSS experts, developers, consultants, and tutors. Get your project built, code reviewed, or problems solved by vetted HTML/CSS freelancers.
Github Click here In Github,you'll find inbuilt projects by experts to upskill your skills through can review or compare your code with github project code for simplification. Click here Blogbitsrc introduce to you components or effects built with pure HTML and CSS. It will help you can use for many different types of web projects as well as increase your skills in HTML and CSS more.
100Days css challenge Click here Challenge yourself and become a CSS expert in 100 days. Be creative, submit your result and check out what others have created,you will written HTML and CSS snippets as a creative learning process for yourself.
W3resource Click here W3resource provide simple html pages to practice to sharpen your skills with HTML CSS Exercises.
inerviewbit Click here Interviewbit mainly focus on inerview questions they also provide basic 15 projects for practrical practice and provide theoritical information to crack interviews.
codewithrandom Click here In Codewithrandom You get 50+ frontend projects using Html CSS and javascript projects with source code for the absolute beginner. This is for beginners to advanced-level HTML, CSS & JavaScript Projects With Source Code.
Knowledge hut Click here Knoweldgehut is the most effective project-based immersive learning experience,it is mediator platoform which is redirected to github.

Note: My favourite websites which are easy to access and best projects to practice.

Codewithrandom 100dayscss challenge Codementor
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