Psychology facts on relationship

Psychology facts on relationship

         At any situation unfortunately all are felt in love,In this generation everyone felt in love and attracted to someone so lot of people cheated by loveone.Here you know some of the psychology facts about relationships it will help you,

Need to know exact meaning of Attraction,Love,Lust,relation.

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      Simply attraction estimates the emotional desire,romantic or aesthetic(sexual or romantic attraction) behaviour.


      Love describes the strongest affection with kinship(relation between individuals commonly having family ties)


      Defines a force producing strong sexual desire to feel, which is remains only befor sexual connection.


      Relation is the connection or feel about behaviour of each other opinions.

Our life is surrounded by is something we can't strive it only obessed,It is beautiful poem of heart.Know here some of the pyschological proceess and facts of love,
  1. 1.Most of us fall in love due to romance.

    Yes, you heard right we fall in love simply look into eyes of lovedone's and all these information is shoved to the barin here it's crucial part which feeling raised itslef. So,mostly things are attractive by eyes.
    Roamnce is the eyes feast for fall in love.

  2. 2.Just 4min for fall in love.

    Yes, according to study you fall in love within 4 minutes. Then you have a tip here impress your crush in 4minutes with proper body language,sweet voice.
    Impress your partner in 4minutes after a fight it will makes postive vibes of your partner.

  3. 3.Heat rate Synchronization.

    According research couples who are in love and bond in romantic relation their heart rates are synchronize(similar) heart rate when eachother gazing eyes for three minutes.
    Make eye contact for 3 minutes in fight with your partner it makes your partner obsessed to you.

  4. 4.Love is like drug.

    when you and your partner very close each other it's affect the brain and seems like euphoria(extremly strong feeling).
    Due to euphoria some times you will disappont for little things & mistakes of your partner. Be in limit give some freedom to experince the poetry of love.

  5. 5.Romantic painkillers.

    When you cuddle your partner, hormones(ovaries & testicles) are involved to make bonding by increasing oxytocin(warm and fuzzy feelings)
    When oxytocin decreases seems to headache,take a hug with partner which evolves high oxytocin and popout the pain in 3hours better than pills

  6. 6.Photo relieves the pain.

    Even the thoughts and pictures of your partner relieves the pain which is simlilar to presence of partner
    According to research it is possible with lot of patients.

  7. 7.End up together acttractiveness.

    When thoughts of your partner out from you by words, this pattren called as matching hypothesis which establish a level of attractiveness and romantic relationship.
    Successful couples also diiffer in this pattren.

  8. 8.Love is similarities of OCD.

    At early stage of love have lower levels of serotonin(which is sigficants of feelings-happiness,stress.),it is similar to ocd person which make you out of charcter.
    In some people lower levels of serotonin fall in love and sexual relations quicker.

    chech this video for theory

  9. 9.Love & Sex influences creativity.

    According to construal level theory long-term relationships,devotion,commitment,sex,intimacy etc.,triggers concrete thinking,focus on goals and creative.
    Maintain intimacy to focus on long-term plans.

  10. 10.Holding of hand relieves pain & stress.

    According to research couples with deep & strong connections can succesfully calm each other in stressful situations.
    Simply hloding hand of lovedone's experience the relieves of stress.

Some FAQ's
Why i felt my partner odour smell even without her/him presence?

      According to some researches you can experience your partner smell even his/her absence.It's mostly in romantic partners had natural scents that were much more similar than randomized pairs due to over romantic and over feelings of partner. Scientifically,it is an olfactory hallucination which makes you detect smells that aren't really there in your environment.

Why she embarrass in her periods even i calm?

      Haha! you can't estimate her even your pyschologist.First you need to know what is period and pain,cramps,menstruation cycle etc.,They experience heavy cramps and pain on that time due to mesntruation they felt mood swings.

Here we provide some esternal video to understand her mood swings in periods

When you feel comfort and do you share your power?

In present relations both are working for family either one might be family planner or another be rules kitchen but you just have an equal and an equal workload! maximum couples are fighted for this reason.instead of fighting share your works and thoughts,Fortunately couples are happier when they feel the division of labor in their relationship is fair.

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