Why companies laidoff employees?why onboardings are delayed?Why rectruitments also slow down?

Layoffs Layoffs Layoffs!

Recently we heard a word "Layoff".All MNC compamnies layoff their employees due to fake expereinces,further businees growth & some business requirements but the primary reason behind layoffs is recession.

Before going to topic need to know what is layoff and signs of layoff

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What is layoff?

      Layoff is permanent termination of employee from the firm due to lack of works and lack of funds.

Layoff vs fired:

      Layoff is fault of an employer(higher authority) while firing occurs due to emplyee's fault.

When will layoff occurs?:
  1. Lossing projects:When a company last thier existing projects and not acquire any new project,to overcome this company start's layoff.
  2. Non-essential budget:When money is tight and lack of funds to further growth,to overcome this company start's layoff.
  3. Art of acquisition:In industry every move be smart if the move is wrong,company faces lot of superfluous situations it may effect company's capital building.
  4. They are lot of signs for layoffs,if you want to know more i will suggest my refernce site in below.

    Signs of layoff

       Day by day layoffs from the company increases.Global companies or socail media platforms Twitter,google,microsoft,facebook,amazon,netflex,...still they layoff thier employees due ro recession in usa.

Recession is a period of time where business and industries are slow down due to unsophisticated actions in enivornment.at this time company reviews their project if it isn’t going well and companies are not starting/getting up new projects,then it’s hard to get venture funding during a recession,and they decied to layoff which leads to chronically unemployement.

How many employees are layout from global companies!
Table:Number of employed laidoff from companies
Company Laid off employees
Microsoft 1000
Twitter 3700
Meta(fb) 11000
Netflix 300
Amazon 100000(till continue)
Meesho 350+
Tesla 200

Lot of companies including startup also are laidoff the employees,to get detailed information of laidoff companie, List of laidoff companies visit the site.

What about indain Mnc's?

Indian multi national companies may not effect by the recession but almost all indian mnc's are depend on USA & EUROPE projects so these are also sruggling the fever of recesion and topmost companies such as Accenture,wipro,infosys,tcs also layoff their employees.Accenture layoff due to employees provided fake certificates,wipro & infosys terminated in sake of moonlightning and tcs done by employee cross over the company agreements.

Company Reason for layoff
Accenture Fake certification
Wipro Moonlightning
Infosys Moonlightning
Tcs Crossover the agreement
Effect on freshers onboarding!

       Due to recession all companies are delayed onboardings because of all indian mnc's may not effect by the recession but almost all indian mnc's are depend on USA & EUROPE projects.we know situation of USA so onbardings may delayed until recession ends.

Effect on rectruitment!

       Yes, rectruitments slow down due to recession & lack of projects and last batched candidates are still not get onboard.Experts says,on next year of march rectruitment may go asusal & Recession will be down.

Watch this video for detailed information

Our pov:At corona timeperiod mask hiring was became cause of companies had lack of employment,after completion of corona companies filter out the unskilled persons,fake certfied candidates,moonlightning candidates then laidoff the employees and now they want only skilled persons at this recession time so upgrade your skills in this gap.

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